lördag 12 mars 2011

Help Online

If you don't want to wait out in the cold for the northern lights to show up, this all-sky camera can be a help. The camera is located on the roof on IRF (the institute for space phsics), 7 kilometers from  Kiruna, sending real-time images online. The link below will lead you to the camera. The first image from March 2nd shows how it might look like. I had the oppertonity to experience it in action on my way home from work. I can tell you it is a really special feeling (a true blessing) having the aurora dancing above your head! The second image is of todays sunset, looks like it's gonna be a nice day! Good morning!!

IRF All-Sky Camera

måndag 7 mars 2011

God Created Heaven on Earth

The sky doesn't have to be dark to make you look up. One cold evening in Narvik the sky gave me that magic, romantic feeling, as you were in a romantic fairytale (and maybe I was). When you look up and the sky around you have shades of pink, purple and blue, you cannot help but smile and think how beautiful the world around you can be. The only thing you need to do is live in moment and value the small things as   beautiful colors in the sky. At those moments the world feels perfect and at that very moment I think God created this colorful sky just to make us smile and remember all small good things in life.

lördag 5 mars 2011


To get away from the city lights I often go to the middle of a frozen lake, not far from home, trying to see the northern lights and the stars better. But there are those nights when the full moon is shining like the Sun on a sunny day, the northern lights is absent and the smoke from our thermal power station seems bigger than ever...at those nights you have to be grateful for the small things. At least the stars are smiling at you.